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GENERAL INFORMATION for 72nd Meeting of ISO/TC 45 Rubber and Rubber Products in NARA, JAPAN 21st October - 25th October 2024
(Last Updated: 08 Oct 2024)
GENERAL INFORMATION for 72nd Meeting of ISO/TC 45 Rubber and Rubber Products in NARA, JAPAN 21st October - 25th October 2024
Draft Report ofthe 33rd ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Plenary Meeting 2019,Berlin, Germany
ISO/TC 45/SC 4 N 1627 ISO/TC 45/SC 4
Products (other than hoses)
Email of secretary: Secretariat: DSM (Malaysia)
Draft Report ofthe 33rd ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Plenary Meeting 2019,Berlin, Germany
Document type: Meeting report Date of document: 2019-11-29 Expected action: COMM Action due date: 2019-12-29 Background: Dear ISO/TC 45/SC 4 members, The draft report of the 33rd ISO/TC 45/SC 4 meeting is now ready for comments by members. Kindly send your comment (if any) to the secretariat by 2019-12-29. If I do not receive any response from you by this deadline, I will assume that this draft report is a true record of the ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Plenary Meeting for 2019. Thank you. Regards, Ainal Fatiha Mohd Noor Commitee Manager, ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Committee URL: ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Rubber and rubber products, Products (Other than hoses) Secretariat: DSM (Malaysia) ISO/TC 45/SC 4N1627 Date: 2019-11-27 Page 1 (10) DRAFT REPORT OF THE 33rd ISO/TC 45/SC 4 PLENARY MEETING DIN – GERMAN INSTITUTE FOR STANDARDIZATION BERLIN, GERMAN THURSDAY, 2019-10-31 1. Opening of the meeting Dr Amir Hashim Chairman of SC 4 welcomed anime cosplay and thanked to all the members for attending the SC 4 Plenary meeting. Chairman also remarked that a total of 8 WGs under the responsibility of SC 4 met this year. 2. Roll call of delegates The Committee Manager conducted the roll call of delegates. Sixty nine (69) delegates from eleven (11) P- member bodies were present at the meeting. The member bodies present include China, Germany, India, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, Philippines, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom and USA. The list of attendees is provided in Annex A. 3. Adoption of the agenda The agenda in document ISO/TC 45/SC 4 N1623 was adopted as presented. 4. Appointment of the drafting committee The meeting agreed to draft the resolutions in English only. Ms Margaret Stephens volunteered to assist in the drafting of the resolutions. 5. To note the report of the 32nd meeting of ISO/TC 45/SC 4 in Hangzhou, China The Committee Manager reported that the draft report was circulated as document ISO/TC 45/SC4 N 1530 on 2018-12-02 for one month commenting period and received no comments. It is noted that from the last year meeting, one (1) matter arising raised to be brought up this this year meeting. The report of the last meeting was approved as a true record of the meeting. 6. Report of the Secretariat 6.1 General The report from the Committee Manager was circulated as document ISO/TC 45/SC 4 N 1622. The report provides updates on SC 4's and the WGs' activities throughout the year. ISO/TC 45/SC 4N1627 Date: 2019-11-27 Page 2 (10) 6.2 Committee membership, constitutions and liaisons, and structure of SC4 The Committee Manager reported that SC 4 Chairman is Dr Amir Hashim Md Yatim. The Committee manager reported on the changed of ISO/TC 45 /SC 4 Committee Manager from Mr Muhammad Syaarani Danya from MRB, Malaysia to Ms. Ainal Fatiha Mohd Noor from DSM, Malaysia. The Committee Manager also reported on the current status of ISO/TC 45/SC 4's membership as well as the status of liaison organisations. To date, a total of 26 P-members and 12 O-members registered under SC 4 and the meeting was informed that Uganda (UNBS) became P-member in July 2019. The Committee Manager reported on the liaison of SC 4. The liaisons involved are: Organisation Title Liaison Officer ISO/TC 61/SC 10 Cellular plastics Helmut Fahrenholz ISO/TC 138/SC 2 Plastic pipes and fittings for water Supplies Mr Jaap Havinga CEN/TC 205 Non-active medical gloves Dr. Supramaniam Shanmugam ISO/TC 157 Non-systemic contraceptives and STI barrier prophylactics Mr Jaap Havinga 6.3 Status of projects A total of 18 work items, at various stages, have been deliberated and progressed within the time frame limit. The Committee Manager updated that there were two (2) projects under WG 5, two (2) project under WG 7, two (2) projects under WG 8, two (2) projects under WG 9, eight (8) projects under WG 13 and one (1) for each WG 15 and WG 16. The total number of published ISO Standards under the direct responsibility of SC 4 is 99. The complete list of all ISO/TC 45/SC 4 standards is available from The meeting approved the ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Secretariat Report 2019. 7. Report of the Working Groups 7.1 WG 2 – Rubber seals The WG 2 Convenor, Mrs. Magnå reported that twelve (12) experts including four (4) observers attended the meeting of the WG 2 that was held on Wednesday 2019-10-30. ISO/TC 45/SC 4N1627 Date: 2019-11-27 Page 3 (10) The convenor informed the meeting that, there was one (1) revision project led by the Mr Jaap Havinga from Netherlands which resulted one (1) recommendation in WG 2. The report including the WG draft recommendation was approved. The minutes of the meeting is appended as Annex B. 7.2 WG 5 – Gloves and other latex products The WG 5 Convenor, Dr Faridah Hanim convened the meeting of SC 4/WG 5 on Thursday 2019- 10-31. The meeting was attended by fifty (50) delegates from nine (9) P-member countries. There were one (1) standard recommended to confirm, two (2) revision led by Dr Asrul Mustafa from Malaysia and Ms. Margaret Stephens from USA respectively, one (1) project progressed from DIS to FDIS stage and one (1) standard progressed to publication skipping FDIS stage. A total of five (5) recommendations made during the WG 5 meeting. The report including the WG draft recommendation was approved. Details of the discussion are recorded in the minutes of the meeting, appended as Annex C. 7.3 WG 7 - Material specification The WG 7 Convenor, Mr Göran Spetz reported that eleven (11) experts including three (3) observers attended the meeting of the WG 7 that was held on Wednesday 2019-10-30. The Convenor informed the meeting that, there was one (1) standard progressed to publication stage which resulted one (1) recommendation in WG 7. The report including the WG draft recommendation was approved. The minutes of the meeting is appended as Annex D. 7.4 WG 8 – Flexible and semi-rigid cellular materials The Convenor, Mr Masami Aoki reported that the meeting of WG 8 was held on Monday 2019-10- 28 with the present of twenty four (24) experts attended from Japan, Malaysia, Germany, Thailand, India and USA including Convenor, SC4 Chairman, SC 4 Committee Manager and Committee Manager Support Team. There were one (1) standard to be withdrawn, one (1) project progressed from CD to DIS stage and one (1) standard was recommended to confirm. A total of three (3) recommendations made during the WG 8 meeting. The report including the WG draft recommendation was approved. ISO/TC 45/SC 4N1627 Date: 2019-11-27 Page 4 (10) The minutes of the meeting is appended as Annex E. 7.5 WG 9 – Elastomeric isolators Prof. Dr. Toshio Nishi, the Convenor of WG 9 reported that the meeting was held on Wednesday, 2019-10-30 with the present of twelve (12) experts attended from Japan, USA, India, United Kingdom, and China including Convenor, SC4 Committee Manager and Committee Manager Support Team. There were one (1) project progressed from CD to DIS stage and one (1) project progressed from NP to CD stage which resulted two (2) recommendations made during the WG 9 meeting. The report including the WG draft recommendation was approved. The minutes of the meeting is appended as Annex F. 7.6 WG 13 – Coated Fabric Mr Isamu Imai, the Convenor of WG 13 reported that the meeting was held on Monday, 2019-10- 28. The meeting was attended by nineteen (19) delegates from five (5) different countries including convenor and SC4 committee manager. The convenor informed the meeting that there were two (2) standards published before the meeting, namely ISO 1419:2018 and ISO 32100:2018. WG 13 recommended: a) Progression of ISO/CD 5470-2to DIS b) Progression of ISO/CD 3011to DIS c) progression of ISO/CD 4674-2 to DIS d) progression of ISO/CD 6450 to DIS e) progression of ISO/ CD 6452 to DIS f) progression of ISO/DIS 3303-1 to FDIS g) progression of ISO/DIS 3303-2 to FDIS h) Confirmation of standards ISO 5979:1982, ISO 2231:1989 and ISO 6451:1982 i) Revision of ISO 4646:1989 as CD The report including WG draft recommendation was approved. The minutes of the meeting is appended as Annex G. ISO/TC 45/SC 4N1627 Date: 2019-11-27 Page 5 (10) 7.7 WG 15 – Rubber bands Dr Orasa Onjun, the Convenor of WG 15 reported that the meeting was held on Tuesday, 2019- 10-29. There were twenty seven (27) delegates from five (5) P – member countries attended the meeting. There was one (1) project progressed from CD to DIS stage resulted one (1) recommendation in WG 15. The report including the WG draft recommendation was approved. The minutes of the meeting is appended as Annex H. 7.8 WG 16 – General Rubber Sheets The Convenor, Dr Krisda Suchiva reported that the WG16 meeting was held on Tuesday, 2019- 10-29. There were thirty one (31) delegates from eight (8) P-member countries attended the meeting. There was one (1) project progressed from CD to DIS stage resulted one (1) recommendation in WG 16. The report including the WG draft recommendation was approved. The minutes of the meeting is appended as Annex I 8. Report of liaison committees to SC 4 8.1 ISO/TC 61/SC 10 - Cellular plastics The liaison report of ISO/TC 61/SC 10, Cellular plastics was presented by the Chairman of SC 4, on behalf of Mr. Helmut Fahrenholz. This sub-committee had its meeting on 24 September 2019 at Global Centre in Chengdu, China. The liaison report was given in Annex J. 8.2 ISO/TC 138/SC 2 - Plastics pipes and fittings for water supplies The liaison report of ISO/TC 138/SC 2, Plastics pipes, fittings and valves for the transport of fluids/plastics pipes and fittings for water supplies was presented by Mr Jaap Havinga. This subcommittee had its meeting on 18 October 2019 in Vienna, Austria. At this moment there were no potential future work items and also current work items relevant to ISO/TC 45/SC 4. The updates of the sub-committee were briefly explained in the liaison report. The liaison reports were given in Annex K. ISO/TC 45/SC 4N1627 Date: 2019-11-27 Page 6 (10) 8.3 ISO/TC 157 - Non-systemic contraceptives and STI barrier prophylactics The liaison report of ISO/TC 157, Non-systemic contraceptives and STI barrier prophylactics was presented by Mr Jaap Havinga. This committee had its meeting on 23-26 September 2019 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The meeting was attended by 24 P-members and 24 O-members and consists of a CAG, 5 TGs and 15WGs. He updated the meeting on the current project, new work item proposal, and other updates which are relevant to ISO/TC 45/SC 4. The liaison report was given in Annex L. 8.4 CEN/TC 205/WG 3 - Non active medical devices/gloves The liaison report of CEN/TC 205/WG 3, Non active medical devices/gloves was presented by Dr Supramaniam from Malaysia. The 48th meeting was held on 6th and 7th March 2019 at BSI, London, UK attended by five representatives from CEN and three observers. He updated the meeting on the current project, new work item proposal, and other updates which are relevant to ISO/TC 45/SC 4. The liaison report was given in Annex M. 9. Systematic review 2019 9.1 ISO 3302-1:2014 (Ed 2), Rubber -- Tolerances for products -- Part 1: Dimensional tolerances ISO/TC 45/SC 4 took note on the comments submitted by Iran. However, the meeting agreed that the standard is still valid and suggested to confirm this standard. 10. Requirements for subsequent meetings The following are tentative requirements for SC 4 and its related WGs meeting in 2020: WG no. Name of WG Day and time WG 1 Rubber thread No meeting WG 2 Rubber seals Wednesday, 1400-1700 WG 5 Gloves and other latex products Thursday, 0830-1200 WG 7 Material specification Wednesday, 1530-1700 WG 8 Flexible and semi-rigid cellular material Monday, 1000-1300 WG 9 Elastomeric isolators Wednesday, 0830 - all day WG 13 Coated fabrics Monday, 1400-1700 WG 14 Elastomeric bridge bearing No meeting WG 15 Rubber bands Tuesday, 0830-1030 ISO/TC 45/SC 4N1627 Date: 2019-11-27 Page 7 (10) WG 16 General rubber sheets Tuesday, 1030 – 1300 SC 4 Plenary meeting Thursday, 14:00 – 15:30 11. Any other business 11.1 Disbandment of WGs The meeting agreed that the following Working Groups (WGs) be disbanded since there is no active work item allocated. If there will be a need in future for ISO work to be allocated to these WGs, these WGs will be reactivated. i. ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 1 – Rubber threads ii. ISO/TC 45/SC 4/ WG 14 -Elastomeric bridge bearings 11.2 ISO/CS Updates The meeting was informed on the new changes of ISO/IEC Directive Part 1, as presented in power point slides. 11.3 Participation of P members in SC 4 The SC 4 Chairman reported on the participation of P – members in the work of SC 4. There were nine (9) countries failed to attend the SC 4 meeting since 2017, namely Australia, Austria, Egypt, Finland, Indonesia, Italy, Korea, Portugal and Spain. It was noted that, as an outcome from the Committee Officer (CO) Meeting held on 28 October 2019, a reminder will be sent by SC 4 Committee Manager to the listed countries, for them to participate actively by attending technical meetings including providing comments for committee documents. Following this reminder, continuing inactive participation of these P-member countries in future TC 45/SC 4 activities, an official note will be forwarded to ISO/CS for their next action. The Chairman also reported that, in the meeting at WG level, according to to ISO/IEC Directives 1.12.2, the convenors may invite specific guests to participate in their meetings considering the technical information required to resolve matters that arise in the WG discussion. 11.4 Specify Scope for every WGs The SC 4 Chair informed that each Working Group under SC4 to start specify and identify the scope of their work to avoid overlap of scope between WGs. ISO/TC 45/SC 4N1627 Date: 2019-11-27 Page 8 (10) 11.5 ISO meeting feedback In order to help the committee to assess the performance of the meeting, all of the delegate were encouraged to complete a short survey within two weeks of the close of the 67th meeting of the ISO/TC 45. The purpose of this survey is to get the feedback to the committee for continual improvement. The survey can be accessed via the URL send by ISO CS to those who attend the meeting and registered through ISO Meeting Platform. 12. Approval of resolutions A total of thirty three (33) resolutions were approved at the meeting as described in Annex N. 13. Closure of the meeting In the closing, the SC 4 Chairman, on behalf of ISO/TC 45 SC 4, expressed its deep appreciation to DIN for hosting and organising an excellent meeting of the 67th Meeting of ISO/TC 45. ISO TC 45/ SC4 also acknowledged the support given by the host for the welcome reception as well as the wonderful dinner. In addition to that, SC 4 Chairman thanked the previous Committee Manager, Mr. Syaarani Danya for his contribution and hard work throughout the year to ensure that the activities of SC 4 are planned accordingly well control. The Chairman also welcomed the current Committee Manager and her Support Team in ISO/TC 45/SC 4. The Chairman thanked all the delegates for their support and adjourned the meeting at 4.20 p.m. ISO/TC 45/SC 4N1530 Date: 2018-11-28 Page 9 (10) LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Chairman : Dr Amir Hashim Md Yatim (Malaysia) Committee Manager : Ms. Ainal Fatiha Mohd Noor (Malaysia) Committee Manager Support Team : : Mr. Muhammad Syaarani Danya (Malaysia) Ms. Nor Fariza binti Ruslan (Malaysia) Present Country Salutation Name Role P-members: China Mr Robin D Germany Mr Volker Krings HOD Mrs Heidi Huber Kamm D Mrs Johanna Kamm D India Mr Satish Abraham D Mr Srikanth Krishnamurthy D Mr Santosh Kumar Mr Chinmoy Ray Mr R. K. Mathan Japan Mr Masami Aoki WG 8 Convenor Mr Shunji Araki HOD Mr Isamu Imai WG 13 Convenor Mr Takashi Imai D Mr Suguru Ito D Mr Eiji Kimpara D Mr Noriyuki Matsumoto D Mr Makoto Misawa D Dr Takahiro Mori D Mr Shingo Otani D Mr Sawada Takeshi D Mr Kiyoshi Toyoma D Mr Katsuhiko Tsuruoka D Prof Toshio Nishi WG 9 Convenor Malaysia Dr Faridah Hanim Ab Hanan WG 5 Convenor Dr Supramaniam Shanmugam D Dr Asrul Mustafa D Dr Siti Salina Sarkawi D Dr Kartini Abdol Rahim D Netherlands Mr Jaap Havinga HOD Philippines Dr Sitti Amina Jain HOD Mrs Ann M. Ferrando Sweden Ms Ann – Cathrine Magna HOD Ms Annika Koningen D Mr Göran Spetz D ISO/TC 45/SC 4N1627 Date: 2019-11-27 Page 10 (10) Switzerland Mr Tino Reinhard HOD Thailand Mrs Varaporn Kajornchaiyakul HOD Mr Pairote Jittham D Dr Nuchanat Na-Ranong D Mrs Nopparat Vichitcholchai D Mr Lim Chin Hock D Dr Krisda Suchiva WG 16 Convenor Ms Kingkaew Ariyadej D Ms Supinya Khotma D Dr Napawan Lekawipat D Dr Pasaree Laokijchareon D Ms Chayapha Nimsuwan D Dr Orasa Onjun WG 15 Convenor Dr Orawan Pinprayoon D United Kingdom Dr Keith Fuller HOD United States of America Mr Terrell Cunningham D Ms Margaret Stephens D Dr Katrina Cornish D ANNEX A ANNEX A ANNEX A ANNEX A ANNEX A ANNEX A ANNEX A ANNEX A ANNEX A ANNEX A ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 2 N 286 ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 2 Rubber seals Email of convenor: Convenorship: SIS (Sweden) Draft Minutes ISOTC45SC4WG 2-meeting Berlin Document type: Meeting report Date of document: 2019-10-31 Expected action: INFO Background: Committee URL: ANNEX B DRAFT MINUTES ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 2, Rubber seals at DIN, Berlin, Germany on Wednesday 2019-10-30 The meeting was held jointly with ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 7 Welcome and opening of the meeting The convener, Mrs. Magnå, welcomed the delegates to the 2019 meeting of the working group. Roll call of participants An attendance list was circulated, and the persons attending are listed in Annex A. Adoption of the agenda The agenda in document ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 2 N 283 was adopted. Work environment Code of Conduct Approval of the previous minutes Doc. N 281 Minutes WG 2-meeting, Hangzhou 2018 The report of the 2018 meeting in Hangzhou, China, document ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 2 N 281, was approved. There were no corrections. New work Revision of ISO 23711:2003, Elastomeric seals – Requirements for materials for pipe joint seals used in water and drainage applications – Thermoplastic elastomers At the last meeting, it was decided to confirm ISO 23711:2003 after the systematic review (N278), but the Netherlands, Germany and the Czech Republic proposed for a revision project to take place this year once the required information to revise the standard was made available. This is now the case and Mr. Havinga presented a proposal for a revision of the standard (N 285). ANNEX B WG 2 agrees to revise ISO 23711:2003. Project leader: Mr. Havinga. The proposal is to start from CD stage with 36 month track. The scope of the standard remains unchanged. A draft for CD ballot is to be prepared by the PL Mr. Havinga and to be submitted to SC 4 Committee Manager by 2020-03-31 See Draft recommendation 1 in Annex B. Information ISO/FDIS 16010, Elastomeric seals – Material requirements for seals used in pipes and fittings carrying gaseous fuels and hydrocarbon fluids The FDIS ballot ended 8 th August. It was 100 % approved and was published 2019-08-28. Any other business There was no other business. Preparation of the next meeting The next meeting will be held in conjunction to the next meeting of SC 4. WG 2 wish to have the same time slot as this year and to combine WG 2 and WG 7 in the same way as this year. It was noted that ISO 4633 will go on systematic review in January 2020. Approval of draft resolutions for SC 4 The draft resolution attached as Annex B was accepted for presentation to SC 4. Closure of the meeting Mrs. Magnå thanked the delegates for attending and contributing to a successful meeting and then closed the meeting. ANNEX B Annex A Experts present at the WG 2 meeting 2019 in Berlin, Germany Convenor Ann-Cathrine Magnå Secretary Annika Koningen ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Chair Amir Hashim Md Yatim ISO/TC 45/SC 4 PM Ainal Fatiha Mohd Noor ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Muhammad Syaarani Danya ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Nor Fariza Ruslan ANSI (United States) Tim Morris BIS (India) Srikanth Krishnamurthy DIN (Germany) Volker Krings DIN (Germany) Ludwig Veith JISC (Japan) Shunji Araki JISC (Japan) Noriyuki Matsumoto JISC (Japan) Shingo Otani JISC (Japan) Shunichi Usui NEN (Netherlands) J.S. Havinga SIS (Sweden) Göran Spetz SNV (Switzerland) Tino Reinhard UNMZ (Czech Republic) Harald Hager AFNOR (France) Patricia Roumagnac (Observer) ANSI (USA) Terrell Cunningham Observer) DSM (Malaysia) Salina Sarkawi Sifi Observer) DIN (Germany Ludwig Dennis Observer) ANNEX B Annex B Recommendation of ISO/TC45/SC 4/WG 2 Rubber seals, 2019-10-30, Berlin, Germany SC 4/WG 2 RECOMMENDATION 1/2019 Revision of ISO 23711:2003, Elastomeric seals – Requirements for materials for pipe joint seals used in water and drainage applications – Thermoplastic elastomers ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 2 recommends to revise ISO 23711:2003 as revision, following the 36 months development track. The scope of the standard remains unchanged. The revised draft for CD ballot is to be submitted to SC 4 Committee Manager by 2020-03-31. The PL is Mr Jaap Havinga ( from The Netherlands. The nominated experts are as listed below: 1. Mr. Harald Hager ( (Czech Republic) 2. Mr. Göran Spetz ( (Sweden) 3. Mr. Volker Krings ( (Germany) 4. Mr Tino Reinhard ( (Switzerland) Draft project plan: Proposed date for first meeting: 2020-10-30 Target dates for key milestones: WD 2020-01-31 CD 2020-06-30 DIS Submission 2021-03-31 Publication 2022-12-12 ANNEX B ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 5 N 174 ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 5 Gloves and other latex products Email of convenor: Convenorship: DSM (Malaysia) DRAFT MINUTES FOR THE MEETING OF ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 5 2019 BERLIN Document type: Meeting report Date of document: 2019-11-02 Expected action: INFO Background: Committee URL: ANNEX C DRAFT MINUTES FOR THE MEETING OF ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 5, GLOVES AND OTHER LATEX PRODUCTS, 2019-10-31, BERLIN, GERMANY Convenor: Dr Faridah Hanim Ab Hanan, Malaysia Secretary: Muhammad Syaarani Danya, Malaysia 1. Opening of the meeting and roll call of delegates The convenor welcomed delegates to the meeting, followed by conducting the roll call of the delegates. The meeting noted the presence of fifty (50) delegates from nine (9) P-member countries attending this year SC4/WG 5 meeting. The list of attendance are as listed in Annex A. 2. Work environment: Code of Conduct The convenor explained the code of conduct before the meeting started as required by ISO/CS. Adoption of the agenda 3. The meeting agreed to the proposed agenda which was circulated earlier as WG document N 173. 4. Approval of the minutes of the 2018 meeting The meeting approved the draft minutes of the 2018 SC4/WG 5 meeting in Hangzhou, China with no comments or changes as circulated per document N 168. 5. Matters arising from the 2018 meeting in Hangzhou, China. 5.1 ISO/DIS 11193-1, Single-use medical examination gloves -- Part 1: Specification for gloves made from rubber latex or rubber solution The Project Leader, Ms Margaret, deliberated on the comments received from the DIS ballot. WG 5 recommends for the DIS draft to be progressed to the FDIS stage after incorporation of the agreed changes. The revised draft for FDIS enquiry is to be submitted to SC 4 Committee Manager by 2020-03-31. 5.2 ISO/DIS 23464, Nitrile cleanroom gloves – Specification The Convenor updated the meeting that this project did not received any comment during the DIS ballot. Therefore, the project will be submitted to ISO CS for publication, skipping the FDIS. The Convenor congratulated the Project Leader for works done ahead of time. ANNEX C 5.3 New proposal, Bra filler — Specification The Convenor updated the meeting that in Hangzhou, a resolution was made during the ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Plenary to cancel the ISO/NP 23589, Rubber latex artificial breast — Specification due to concern of the experts that this product actually falls under the scope of medical device. Because of that a new proposal is being re-submitted to this year’s SC4/WG 5 meeting by China entitled Bra Filler – Specification to replace the earlier draft. The meeting review the draft and decided for the proposal to be brought up to SC 4 in order to further decide which working group the project should belongs to. 5.4 New proposal, Rubber latex coated fabric gloves — Specification The meeting was informed that the draft was submitted by the Project Leader to the SC 4 Committee Manager at the end of September 2019. The safety performance was removed in this revised draft. Thailand and India felt that this product is not a Latex Gloves and more relevant to Protective Gloves. The Convenor asked the Convenor of WG 13 for his view. Mr Imai emphasized that the scope of WG 13 is more on the evaluation of the material of coated fabric and not on product such as gloves. It is an intermediate product or semi-finished product and not a finished product such as gloves. Malaysia suggested to focus on the percentages of products to make it qualified to be put under SC4/WG 5. Mr Imai suggested for a WG Consultation to get consensus. The convenor also informed that the Committee Manager of SC4 has emailed the convenor of TC94/SC13/WG 8 on the applicability of the draft to this working group. The progress of the draft could also be based on comments received from TC 94/SC13/WG 8. The Committee Manager will initiate a consultation with experts in order to get their views on whether the draft should be deliberated at WG 5 or otherwise. In order to initiate the consultation with experts, China was asked to re-submit the draft once again to the Committee Manager at the latest by 2019-12-31. 6. Review of standards in 2019 6.1 ISO 10282:2014, Single-use sterile rubber surgical gloves – Specification The USA would like to see the same changes made to 11193-1 be included into ISO 10282:2014 under a revision project for consistency purposes. The proposed changes include the followings namely add powder residue limit and add a note that the FDA banned powder in the USA and addition of gloves that are older than 6 months from the date of manufacture or for which the date of manufacture is unknown, no accelerated aging shall be conducted and the tensile properties need only conform to the “after accelerated aging” values. Ms. Margaret Stephens volunteered to revise the standard. She will submit the amended draft to SC 4 Committee Manager for CD ballot at the latest by 2020-02- 29. ANNEX C 6.2 ISO 14285:2014, Rubber and plastics gloves for food services -- Limits for extractable substances The comment from Malaysia was discussed and the meeting agrees for the comment to be considered in the next revision. USA expressed her concerned that if the NOTE is added, all other references related to REACH shall also be added as well. Thailand support the comments made by USA and recommends for ISO 14285:2014 be confirmed. 6.3 ISO 25518:2009, Single-use rubber gloves for general applications -- Specification The comment from Malaysia was discussed. Thailand raised her concern on Figure 1. The figure should be consistent with ISO 11193-1. India also suggested for the picture depicting the water tightness test be amended as well. USA volunteered to give a better figure of Figure 1 to Malaysia who is proposed to be the Project Leader. Malaysia agrees for the project to go for revision and agrees to be the Project leader. The meeting recommends to revise the ISO 25518:2009 and the revision will progress as DIS. 7. Updated report on CEN/TC 205/WG 3 – Non active medical devices/gloves Dr Supramaniam, who is the liaison officer to the CEN/TC 205/WG 3 briefed the meeting on activities of CEN/TC 205/WG 3. The working group met in BSI, London, UK for a two-days meeting, on 7th and 8th March 2019. He updated the meeting on the current projects at the WG. Of concern is the CEN/TR 16953: 2017 "Guidance for Selection of Single Use Medical Gloves" that needs an update in aligning to PPER and MDR, hence it was proposed to start a possible revision of this CEN/TR, after finishing the Enquiry manuscript for prEN 455-5. 8. New work , revision or amendment proposals There is no new work item proposal being proposed. 9. Any other business Malaysia requested for USA to update the meeting with ASTM ongoing works on the sustainability and the biodegradability of gloves. According to Ms. Margaret ASTM is now creating a small group dedicated to the biodegradability of gloves. Ms Margaret will update the meeting next year once the working group is formed and its scope defined at ASTM. Dr Supramaniam of Malaysia also informed that Malaysia is currently working on the method of detecting biodegradability of gloves. 10. Requirements for the next meeting The WG decided to meet on the same day and time next year. ANNEX C 11. Approval of the draft recommendation for SC 4 As listed in Annex B 12. Closing of the meeting The meeting was closed at 12.15 p.m with a vote of thanks to all delegates for their active participation and contribution in the deliberation of WG 5 projects. ANNEX C Annex A Experts present at the TC 45/SC 4/WG 5 meeting in Berlin, Germany 2019-10-31 ANNEX C ANNEX C ANNEX C ANNEX C Annex B RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE MEETING OF ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 5, GLOVES AND OTHER LATEX PRODUCTS, 2019-10-31, BERLIN, GERMANY SC 4/ WG 5 RECOMMENDATION 1/2019 Confirmation of standard ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 5 recommends that the following ISO Standard be confirmed following the systematic review of this standards. ISO 14285:2014 Rubber and plastics gloves for food services -- Limits for extractable substances SC 4/ WG 5 RECOMMENDATION 2/2019 Revision ISO 25518:2009, Single-use rubber gloves for general applications -- Specification ISO/TC 45/SC 4 recommends to revise ISO 25518:2009 as minor revision, following the 24 months development track. The scope of the standard remains unchanged. The revised draft for DIS ballot is to be submitted to SC 4 Committee Manager by 2020-03-31. The PL is Dr Asrul Mustafa ( from Malaysia. The nominated experts are as listed in Form 21 N 1586: 1. NEGRONI Fabio ( (Italy) 2. Dr Mok Kok Lang ( (Malaysia) 3. Mr. Adisak Kongwaree ( (Thailand) 4. Margaret Stephens ( (USA) Draft project plan: Proposed date for first meeting: 26-10-2020 Target dates for key milestones: WD : 15-01-2020 DIS Submission : 01-03-2021 Publication : 01-08-2022 SC 4/ WG 5 RECOMMENDATION 3/2019 Revision ISO 10282:2014, Single-use sterile rubber surgical gloves -- Specification ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 5 notes the comments and ballot results from the Systematic Review on ISO 10282:2014, and recommends to revise ISO 10282:2014 as revision, following the 36 months development track. The scope of the standard remains unchanged. The revised draft for CD ballot is to be submitted to SC 4 Committee Manager by 2020-02-29. The PL is Ms. Margaret Stephens ( from USA. The nominated experts are as listed in Form 21 N 1583: ANNEX C 5. NEGRONI Fabio ( (Italy) 6. Dr Mok Kok Lang ( (Malaysia) 7. Mr. Adisak Kongwaree ( (Thailand) 8. Margaret Stephens ( (USA) Draft project plan: Proposed date for first meeting: 26-10-2020 Target dates for key milestones: WD : 15-01-2020 CD : 01-06-2020 DIS Submission : 01-03-2021 Publication : 01-08-2022 SC 4/ WG 5 RECOMMENDATION 4/2019 ISO/DIS 11193-1, Single-use medical examination gloves -- Part 1: Specification for gloves made from rubber latex or rubber solution ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 5 recommends that ISO/DIS 11193-1 be progressed to the FDIS stage after incorporation of the agreed changes. The revised draft for FDIS enquiry is to be submitted to SC4 Committee Manager by 2020-02-29. The PL is Ms. Margaret Stephens ( from USA. SC 4/ WG 5 RECOMMENDATION 5/2019 ISO/DIS 23464, Nitrile cleanroom gloves — Specification ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 5 recommends that ISO/DIS 23464 be progressed to the publication stage skipping FDIS after incorporation of the agreed editorial changes. The revised draft for publication is to be submitted to SC 4 Committee Manager by 2020-02-29. The PL is Dr Supramaniam ( from Malaysia.
ANNEX D ISO/TC 45/SC 4 /WG 7 Material specification 2019-10-31 ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 7 N 91 Page 1 of 4 Draft Minutes from ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 7, Material specification at DIN, Berlin, Germany on Wednesday 2019-10-30 The meeting was held jointly with ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 2 Welcome and opening of the meeting The convenor, Mr. Spetz, welcomed the delegates to the 2019 meeting of the working group. Roll call of participants An attendance list was circulated, and the persons attending are listed in Annex A. Adoption of the agenda The agenda in document ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 7 N 87 was adopted after the secretary pointed out that two new N-documents with voting results had been sent out the last couple of days; N 88 with the voting results from the CIB on next step for ISO/CD 3934, and N 89 with the voting result from the ballot on ISO/DTR 17051. Work environment Code of Conduct Approval of the previous minutes Doc. N 82 Minutes WG 7-meeting, Hangzhou 2018 The report of the 2018 meeting in Hangzhou, China, document ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 7 N 82, was approved. There were no corrections. ISO/DTR 17051, Rubber, vulcanized — Guidelines for material specification Doc. N 83 VR CIB ISO/NP TR Material specification Doc. N 86 ISO/DTR 17051 Doc. N 89 VR ISO/DTR 17051 The DTR ballot closed 27 October. It was 100 % approved (N 89). Comments were received from Japan, UK and Sweden. ANNEX D ISO/TC 45/SC 4 /WG 7 Material specification 2019-10-31 ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 7 N 91 Page 2 of 4 Handling of comments received in ISO/DTR 17051 The comments from received were reviewed by WG 7 and solved as in N 90. Way forward including homework PL Mr. Spetz will prepare a revised draft and send it to SC 4/WG 7 Secretary by 2020-01-31. The draft will be circulated within the WG 7 for four weeks and will then be sent to the SC 4 secretariat before 2020-02-29, for publication. See Draft recommendation 1 in Annex B. ISO/DIS 3934, Rubber, vulcanized and thermoplastic -- Preformed gaskets used in buildings -- Classification, specifications and test methods Doc. N 84 VR ISO/CD 3934 Doc. N 88 VR CIB next step ISO/CD 3934 The CD was approved with a few editorial comments, with no need to discuss in the WG. The draft was revised and was sent to the SC 4 secretariat for preparation for DIS ballot. The SC 4 secretariat then launched a CIB for next step, to go for DIS ballot. The CIB closed 25 October. It was approved - 14 members voted Yes and 1 member (Germany) voted No (N 88). It was decided not to handle the comments received in the CIB at this meeting, but to wait for the DIS ballot result, when more comments are expected. The draft will now proceed for DIS ballot. ISO 5892:2013, Rubber building gaskets – Materials for preformed solid vulcanized structural gaskets -- Specification Doc. N 80 At the last meeting, the WG decided to confirm the ISO 5892 for now but to propose a revision of the standard once the revision of ISO 3934 is completed. To the question if it is time to initiate this project now, it was decided to wait, at least until the DIS comments on ISO/DIS 3934 have been discussed. Preparation of the next meeting The next meeting will be held in conjunction to the next meeting of SC 4. WG 7 wish that the meeting time for in 2020 is the same as this year. It was also suggested by the meeting to combine WG 2 and WG 7 in the same way as this year. Closure of the meeting Mr. Spetz thanked the delegates for attending and contributing to a successful meeting and then closed the meeting. ANNEX D ISO/TC 45/SC 4 /WG 7 Material specification 2019-10-31 ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 7 N 91 Page 3 of 4 Annex A Recommendation of ISO/TC45/SC 4/WG 7 List of attendance 2019-10-30, Berlin, Germany ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 7 Göran Spetz Convenor ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 7 Annika Koningen Secretary ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Muhammad Syaarani Danya ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Amir Hashim Md Yatim ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Ainal Fatiha Mohd Noor ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Nor Fariza Ruslan AFNOR (France) Patricia Roumagnac BIS (India) Srikanth Krishnamurthy DIN (Germany) Volker Krings DSM (Malaysia) Siti Salina Sarkawi JISC (Japan) Shunji Araki JISC (Japan) Noriyuki Matsumoto JISC (Japan) Shingo Otani JISC (Japan) Shunichi Usui NEN (Netherlands) J.S. Havinga SIS (Sweden) Ann-Cathrine Magnå SNV (Switzerland) Tino Reinhard ANSI (USA) Terell Cunningham Observer DIN (Germany) Ludwig Veith Observer DIN (Germany) Dennis Ludwig Observer ANNEX D ISO/TC 45/SC 4 /WG 7 Material specification 2019-10-31 ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 7 N 91 Page 4 of 4 Annex B Recommendation of ISO/TC45/SC 4/WG 7 Material specification, 2019-10-30, Berlin, Germany SC 4/ WG 7 RECOMMENDATION 1/2019 ISO/DTR 17051, Rubber, vulcanized — Guidelines for material specification ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 7 recommend that ISO/DTR 17051 be progressed to the publication stage after incorporation of the agreed changes. The revised draft for publication is to be submitted to SC 4 Committee Manager by 2020-02-29. The PL is Mr Göran Spetz ( from Sweden. ANNEX D ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 8 N 658 ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 8 Flexible and semi-rigid cellular material Email of convenor: Convenorship: JISC (Japan) Draft Minutes of Meeting for ISO TC45 SC4 WG 8 2019 Document type: Meeting report Date of document: 2019-10-28 Expected action: MEET Action due date: 2019-10-28 Background: Committee URL: ANNEX E ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Rubber and rubber products, Products (Other than hoses) Secretariat: DSM (Malaysia) ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 8N 658 Date: 2019-10-28 Page 1 (6) DRAFT MINUTES FOR TC 45/SC 4/WG 8, PRODUCTS (OTHER THAN HOSES) – FLEXIBLE AND SEMI-RIGID CELLULAR MATERIAL The meeting was held at DIN, Berlin, Germany on Monday 2019-10-28, between 10:00 and 13:00. 1 Opening of the meeting and roll call of experts The convenor opened the meeting at 10.00, and welcomed the delegates to the 2019 meeting. The delegates introduced themselves and there were 24 experts attended the meeting attended by Japan, Malaysia, Germany, Thailand, India and USA including Convenor, SC4 Chairman, SC 4 Committee Manager and Committee Manager Supports. 2 Work environment: Code of Conduct The convenor explained the code of conduct before the meeting started as requirement by ISO/CS. Link 3 Appointment of editing committee Convenor requested for Secretariat of DSM to help up in drafting the recommendation. 4 Adoption of the agenda The meeting agreed to the agenda with amendment of item No 6.1.1. the status should be changed to under publication stage. Doc. ISO/TC 45/SC4/WG 8 N 657 5 To note the report of the 2018 meeting There are four recommendation from the last year meeting and being accepted by the SC 4 plenary meeting in Hangzhou China. No further amendment from the meeting and experts. The meeting agreed with minutes of meeting. As circulated in N 648. Doc. ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 8 N 648 6 Matters arising from the report 2018 6.1 Standards published after the 2018 meeting ISO 6915: 2019, Flexible cellular polymeric materials – Polyurethane foam for laminate use – Specification was published on 2019-8-23 and ISO 2440: 2019, Flexible and rigid cellular polymeric materials – Accelerated ageing tests is now under publication. ANNEX E ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Rubber and rubber products, Products (Other than hoses) Secretariat: DSM (Malaysia) ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 8N 658 Date: 2019-10-28 Page 2 (6) 6.2 The result of Survey for ISO 6915:1991 and ISO 10066:1991 ISO 6915:1991 The results of the survey for ISO 6915:1991. From the results of survey, the responds were not enough to covers the number of experts in the WG members as stated in the ISO GD. But 4 experts suggested for withdrawal. The meeting suggested the standards to be withdrawn. A recommendation to withdraw the standard will be provided to SC 4. ISO 10066:1991 The results of the survey for ISO 10066:1991. From the results of survey, the responds were not enough to covers the number of experts in the WG members as stated in the ISO GD. But 5 experts suggested for withdrawal. The meeting suggested the standards to be withdrawn. A recommendation to withdraw the standard will be provided to SC 4. Annex 7 Results and actions on ISO/DIS and ISO/FDIS: 7.1 ISO/FDIS 2440: 1997, Flexible and rigid cellular polymeric materials – Accelerated ageing tests (PL: Mr. Muhammad Syaarani Bin Danya) The standard is now under publication by ISO CS. The publication will be published soon. 7.2 ISO/FDIS 6915: 1991, Flexible cellular polymeric materials – Polyurethane foam for laminate use – Specification (PL: Mr. Muhammad Syaarani Bin Danya) The standard is now published since 2019-08-23. Doc. ISO/TC 45/SC4 N 1590 Doc. ISO/TC 45/SC4 N 1580 ANNEX E ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Rubber and rubber products, Products (Other than hoses) Secretariat: DSM (Malaysia) ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 8N 658 Date: 2019-10-28 Page 3 (6) 8 Comments on ISO/CD:s and WD:s 8.1 ISO/CD 23641, Flexible cellular polymeric materials – Determination of antibacterial effectiveness (PL: Mr. Noriyuki Matsumoto) Presentation from Japan on ISO/CD 23641 was made. CD ballot was closed on 2019-7-11. Comments from Iran, Islamic Republic of (ISIRI), Japan (JISC), France (AFNOR) and Austria (ASI) were discussed. It was a long discussion with the comments received and will amended accordingly by the project leader. All editorial comments were accepted by PL. For the technical comment some of the comments were not accepted due to reason given by the PL and it was agreed at the meeting to remain as it is. The revised draft for DIS ballot is to be submitted to SC 4 Secretary by the end of February 2020. Doc. ISO/TC 45/SC4 N 1571 9 Suggestions for new work None 10 Review of standards - result of the periodical review 2019 10.1 Standard confirmed: 10.1.1 ISO 3385:2014 (Ed 4), Flexible cellular polymeric materials -- Determination of fatigue by constant-load pounding 10.2 Standards for evaluation: None Doc. ISO/TC 45/SC4 N 1555 (summary of SR 2019) Doc. ISO/TC 45/SC 4 N 1552 11 Liaison report of ISO/TC 61/SC 10/WG 12 The liaison report was prepared and reported by the liaison, Mr. Helmut FAHRENHORZ. There being no items which require SC 4/WG8 intervention. Doc. ISO/TC 45/SC 4 N 1605 12 Any other business None ANNEX E ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Rubber and rubber products, Products (Other than hoses) Secretariat: DSM (Malaysia) ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 8N 658 Date: 2019-10-28 Page 4 (6) 13 Subsequent meeting The WG 8 tentatively agreed to maintain the same meeting requirement as in 2019. 14 Approval of draft resolutions for SC 4 There are three recommendations is to be submitted to SC 4 for their approval. 15 Closing of the meeting The convenor thanked the delegates for their participation and fruitful discussion and closed the meeting at 12:07. ANNEX E ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Rubber and rubber products, Products (Other than hoses) Secretariat: DSM (Malaysia) ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 8N 658 Date: 2019-10-28 Page 5 (6) Recommendations of ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 8 Flexible and semi-rigid cellular material Berlin, Germany 2019 SC 4/ WG 8 RECOMMENDATION 1/2019 Withdrawal of standards ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 8 recommends that the following ISO Standard be withdrawn following the survey being carried out by the WG 8 Convenor to define the latest status of use of both standards: ISO 6915:1991 Flexible cellular polymeric materials — Polyurethane foam for laminate use — Specification ISO 10066:1991 Flexible cellular polymeric materials — Determination of creep in compression SC 4/ WG 8 RECOMMENDATION 2/2019 ISO/CD 23641, Flexible cellular polymeric materials – Determination of antibacterial effectiveness ISO/TC 45/SC 4/ WG 8 recommends that ISO/CD 23641 be progressed to DIS stage after incorporation of the agreed changes. The revised draft for DIS inquiry is to be submitted to SC 4 Committee Manager by 2020-02-29. The PL is Mr Matsumoto Noriyuki ( from Japan. SC 4/ WG 8 RECOMMENDATION 3/2019 Confirmation of standard ISO/TC 45/SC 4/ WG 8 recommends that the following ISO Standard be confirmed following the systematic review of this standards. ISO 3385:2014 (Ed 4) Flexible cellular polymeric materials -- Determination of fatigue by constant-load pounding ANNEX E ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Rubber and rubber products, Products (Other than hoses) Secretariat: DSM (Malaysia) ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 8N 658 Date: 2019-10-28 Page 6 (6) Attendance List Title First Name Last Name Representing Mr Masami Aoki JISC (Japan) Convenor Mrs Ainal Fatiha Mohd Noor ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Committee Manager Mr Muhammad Syaarani Danya ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Support team Dr Amir Hashim Md Yatim ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Chairman Mr Shunji Araki JISC (Japan) Mr Terrell Cunningham ANSI (United States) Mr Dipl.- Ing. Helmut Fahrenholz DIN (Germany) Mrs Sonja Hofmeyer DIN (Germany) Mr Isamu Imai JISC (Japan) Mr Koji Kawabata JISC (Japan) Ms Supinya Khotma TISI (Thailand) Mr Noriyuki Matsumoto JISC (Japan) Ms Ayako Mizohata JISC (Japan) Mr. Tim Morris ANSI (United States) Dr Asrul Mustafa DSM (Malaysia) Dr Orasa Onjun TISI (Thailand) Mr Shingo Otani JISC (Japan) Ms Nor Fariza Ruslan ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Ms Margaret Stephens ANSI (United States) Mr Muhammad Nuruddin Wan Mohd Ghazalli ISO/TC 45/SC 4 Mr Malte Wienrich DIN (Germany) Mr R K Mattan BIS(India) Mr Satish Abpahan BIS(India) Mr Saniosh Ksmal BIS(India) ANNEX E ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 9 N 649 ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 9 Elastomeric isolators Email of convenor: Convenorship: JISC (Japan) DRAFT REPORT OF THE MEETING OF ISO TC45 SC4 WG9 MEETING 2019 IN BERLIN Document type: Meeting report Date of document: 2019-11-25 Expected action: INFO Background: Committee URL: ANNEX F DRAFT REPORT OF THE MEETING OF ISO/TC45/SC4/WG9 ISO 22762 ELASTOMERIC ISOLATORS 30th October 2019, Berlin, Germany. Convenor Prof. Toshio Nishi Secretary Takahiro Mori Present Country Toshio Nishi Japan Takahiro Mori Japan Keith Fuller United Kingdom Ms Liya Jia China Ms Changhong Nie China Takeshi Sawada Japan Masami Aoki Japan Takashi Imai Japan John Sezna United States K Rajkumar India R K Matthan India Muhammad Syaarani Danya Secretary support team SC4 Mrs Ainal Fatiha Mohd Noor Secretary support team SC4 Mrs Farinie Sharatol ISO/TC45 Secretariat Ms Nor Fariza Ruslan ISO/TC45/SC4 1. Opening of the meeting and roll call of delegates The convenor called the meeting to order and welcomed all delegates to the meeting. The roll call of delegates was made. 2. Code of conduct The convenor drew the attention of delegates to the Code of Conduct documents. 3. Adoption of agenda (Doc. ISO/TC45/SC4/WG9 N646) The agenda was approved without change. 4. Approval of minutes of the last meeting (Doc. ISO TC45/SC 4/WG9 N643) Minutes of last meeting were approved. Matters arising were: a) The revised Parts 1 – 3 of ISO22762 were published in 2018. b) The editorial comments on the revised Part 4 had been accepted, and the document has been published. c) The UK comments submitted during the revision of the CD draft of Part 5 had been accepted. 5. Appointment of the drafting committee Takahiro Mori and Keith Fuller were appointed to take the minutes for the meeting. ANNEX F 6. Review and discussion of draft standards 6.1 ISO/CD 22762-5, Elastomeric seismic-protection isolators -- Part 5: Elastic Sliding SeismicProtection Isolator for Buildings A The results of the CD ballot for Part 5 and the responses of the Secretariat to the comments on the draft were presented. The major responses and additional comments were discussed by the WG as follows: a) ID1: Reference values of hardness and 100% modulus are not specified in Table 6 as they depend on rubber used. Only tolerance is specified. For hardness, tolerance is ±x hardness units; hardness scale eg IRHD should be given. Part 3 specifies IRHD in clause 6.6.4. b) ID2: Insert units for density. c) Additional comment GB2 accepted. d) JP2: Lower values for the minimum elongation at break (Table 6) were accepted. e) In Table 6 it was agreed i) to delete ‘to reference value’ in col. 3 ii) to delete ‘or more’ and use symbol >= in col 5. f) JP3: Modified Table 7 was accepted. In col 5 row 4, the value should be changed to 26. HDD and HRR to be explained g) JP4 and JP5 were not accepted. It was agreed that CD22762 part 5 could be recommended to proceed to DIS stage. The revised draft to be submitted to SC4 Committee Manager by 29/2/2020. B Test results of sliding seismic-protection isolators. Presentation by Takeshi Sawada. Tests were carried out at NCREE, Taiwan on a biaxial dynamic testing system called BATS. Full-scale sliding isolators were tested. The results reported included: a) repeated shear loading test. After 65 cycles: - no change in shear characteristics. - temperature rise for backing-plate was 23°C Results showed that small-scale tests permitted in CD22762-5 were realistic. b) compressive force dependence of µ. Results showed that increase of compressive force lowered µ. c) effect of sliding velocity on µ. Velocity 10mm/s gave µ = 0.0061. Velocity 800mm/s gave µ = 0.0124. 6.2 ISO/NP 22762-6, Elastomeric seismic-protection isolators -- Part 6: High-durability and highperformance specifications, and test methods A The results of the NP ballot for Part 6 and the responses of the Secretariat to the comments on the draft were presented. The major responses and additional comments were discussed by the WG as follows: a) It was agreed that the Introduction and Scope sections needed revising. Keith Fuller agreed to do this. b) Comments GB 2 and 3 were accepted. c) Comment GB 4. Figure of 6% was agreed as maximum damping for isolator to be classified as low damping. d) Comments JP7/GB8 and GB9 accepted. e) GB10: In Table 4 (and Tables 5 and 6), agreed to replace ‘change rate of’ with ‘percentage change with respect to’. Replace ‘Dependency of compressive properties‘ by ‘Dependency of compressive stiffness’. ANNEX F Replace ‘Dependency of shear properties‘ by ‘Dependency of shear stiffness’. In row ‘Dependency of compressive properties‘, ‘Change rate of value at 30% amplitude of design compressive strain.’ needs clarification. f) GB11: Footnotes f in Table 4 and g in Tables 5 and 6 need revising. Keith Fuller to make suggest g) Comment GB 12 was accepted; changes needed in Tables 4, 5 and 6. Additional comment – in Table 4 row 6, ‘5% or more‘ to be replaced by ‘>= 5%’. Other similar instances in Tables 4, 5 and 6 to be changed. Additional comment – in Table 4 row ‘compressive creep’, ‘6% or less’ to be replaced by ‘<= 6%’. Other similar instances in Tables 4, 5 and 6 to be changed. h) In Table 4 shear displacement capacity row, replace ‘test no required’ by ‘test not required’. In Table 5 row “Ultimate properties under horizontal biaxial loading’, needs to clarify what 70% refer to. I) Comments JP13 to GB22 were accepted. j) Comment GB23 accepted. Phase difference of 90 degrees between major and minor axes to be specified in text. k) Comment JP24 to GB26 accepted. l) Comment GB27. To be discussed further. m) The number of cycles recommended in c) were considered too large. This matter would be discussed further. It was agreed that a draft be prepared for a CD stage ballot. The revised draft to be submitted to SC4 Committee Manager by 30/4/2020. B Presentation by Takeshi Sawada. Background to required new test items in ISO/NP22762-6 The long time of shaking for some earthquakes (eg Tohoku 200s, Mexico City 180s) was highlighted. 7. Any other business Possible subjects for talks at the 2020 TC45 meeting were mentioned. Proposals were the current situation regarding base-isolated buildings in China, and in Indonesia. 8. Requirements for the next meeting It was agreed that a full day should be reserved for the WG9 meeting in Thailand. 9. Approval of the draft recommendation for SC 4 The draft recommendations to move Part 5 to DIS stage, and Part 6 to CD stage were approved. 10. Closing of the meeting The meeting closed at 12:35. ANNEX F ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 13 N 797 ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 13 Coated fabrics Email of convenor: Convenorship: JISC (Japan) Draft report of TC45 SC4 WG13 meeting in Berlin, Germany Document type: Meeting report Date of document: 2019-11-04 Expected action: INFO No. of pages: 15 Background: Committee URL: ANNEX G ISO/TC45/SC4 ISO/TC45/SC4/WG13 N 797 Rubber and rubber products other than hoses Secretariat: DSM(Malaysia) Date: 2019-11-04 Page 15 DRAFT REPORT OF THE MEETING OF ISO/TC45/SC4/WG13 COATED FABRICS, 2019-10-28 in Berlin, Germany Convenor Mr. Isamu Imai Present 19 delegates from five different countries including convenor and SC4 committee manager. Attendance list is attached. In attendance Mrs.Ainal Fatiha Mohd Noor: Commitee Manager, ISO/TC45/SC4 Mr. Muhammad Syaarani Danya: Support Team, ISO/TC45/SC4 1. Opening of the meeting and roll call of delegates The WG 13 Convener started the meeting at 14.00 and welcomed delegates to the meeting of SC4/WG13. Attendance sheet was circulated. 2. ISO Code of Conduct The convenor explained Code of Conduct and ask members if any opinions or comments. No comment received 3. Approval of the agenda The draft agenda was circulated as document ISO/TC45/SC4/WG13 45/4/13 N796 and it was approved without changes. 4. Approval of the report of the 2018 meeting and matters arising The report of the meeting in Hangzhou China which had been circulated as document 45/4/13 N793 were reviewed and confirmed without changes . 5. Status of SC4/WG13 work programme All work items under the work programme have been progressed as planned and completed within the time limit. 6.1 ISO published ANNEX G The following standards have been published since the meeting of Oct. 2018 a) ISO 32100, Rubber-or plastics-coated fabrics – Physical and mechanical tests – Determination of flex resistance by the flexometer method. Published in Oct. 2018 b) ISO 1419:2019 Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics ― Accelerated ageing tests Published in May. 2019. 4.2 CD ballot a) ISO/CD 5470-2 Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics — Determination of abrasion resistance — Part 2:Martindale abrader (PL:Mr.S.Zschoerner, Germany) Received 100% approval from the result of ballot (Doc 45/4/ N 1569) There was no comment received nor at the meeting, therefore WG13 agreed to recommend that it be progressed to DIS enquiry. The revised draft will be submitted to SC4 Manager by 2020-02-29.The PL is Mr.S.Zschoerner, Germany. b) ISO/CD 3011 Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics - Determination of resistance to ozone cracking under static conditions Received 100% approval from the result of ballot (Doc 45/4/ N 1564) There was no comment received nor at the meeting, therefore, WG13 agreed to recommend that it be progressed to DIS enquiry. The revised draft will be submitted to SC4 Manager by 2020-02-29.The PL is Mr.Hideaki Inata, Japan. c) ISO/CD 4674-2 Rubber-or plastics-coated fabrics—Determination of tear resistance—Part 2: Ballistic pendulum method Received 100% approval from the result of ballot (Doc 45/4/ N 1568). The comments received were discussed and the actions to be taken for the next stage are shown in the attached comment tables. WG13 agreed to recommend that the draft be progressed to DIS enquiry. The revised draft will be submitted to SC4 Manager by 2020-02-29.The PL is Mr. Hideaki Inata, ANNEX G Japan. d) ISO/CD 6450 Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics — Determination of resistance to liquids Received 100% approval from the result of ballot (Doc 45/4/ N 1572). The comments received were discussed and the actions to be taken for the next stage are shown in the attached comment tables. WG13 agreed to recommend that all the accepted comments be incorporated into the draft to be progressed to DIS enquiry. The revised draft will be submitted to SC4 Manager by 2020-02-29.The PL is Mr.Hideaki Inata, Japan. e) ISO/CD 6452 Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics — Determination of fogging characteristics of trim materials in the interior of automobiles Received 100% approval from the result of ballot (Doc 45/4/ N 1565). The first comments in the table from Germany on “dry temperature control devices” was discussed and found that the comment was actually about the new thermal medium of a mix of metal block with oil or air in the bath or chamber to improve temperature control stability. WG13 agreed that Germany should propose a new thermal medium on comments with the evidence to support its objectives in the next ballot. Japan presented the ITP schedule which is expected to be completed by April in 2020. All other comments received in the table were discussed and the actions to be taken for the next stage are shown in the attached comment tables. WG13 agreed to recommend that all the accepted comments be incorporated into the draft to be progressed to DIS enquiry. The revised draft will be submitted to SC4 Manager by 2020-04-30.The PL is Mr.S.Suga, Japan and co-PL is Mr. Eiji Kimpara 4.3 DIS ballots a) ISO/DIS 3303-1 Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics ― Determination of bursting strength ― Part 1:Steel ball method Received 100% approval from the result of ballot (Doc 45/4/ N 1595) The comments received were discussed and the actions to be taken for the next stage are shown in the attached comment tables. WG13 agreed to recommend that all the accepted comments be incorporated into the draft to be progressed to FDIS enquiry. The revised draft will be submitted to SC4 Manager by 2020-03-31. The PL ANNEX G is Mr. Hideaki Inata, Japan. b) ISO/DIS 3303-2 Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics ― Determination of bursting strength ― Part 2:Hydraulic method Received 100% approval from the result of ballot (Doc 45/4/ N 1596) The comments received were discussed and the actions to be taken for the next stage are shown in the attached comment tables. WG13 agreed to recommend that all the accepted comments be incorporated into the draft to be progressed to FDIS enquiry. The revised draft will be submitted to SC4 Manager by 2020-03-31. The PL is Mr. Hideaki Inata, Japan. c) ISO/DIS 22751, Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics ― Physical and mechanical test – Determination of bending force The ballot closed on Oct. 25, 2019 and result was circulated on the same day, which is 100% approval (Doc 45/4/ N 1619). It is too soon to discuss all the comments received at the meeting. The ballot has many comments from France and Germany. WG13 agreed that SC4 Manager would ask PL to fill out PL’s observations in the comment table to send back to her, then ask members if any comments or objections on PL’s observations through correspondence. After that the next step will be taken. The PL is Dr. David Ehinger, Germany 5. Standard reviewed in 2019 (see Doc. 45/4 N1555). A total of four ISO Standards under the responsibility of WG13 which ballots closed on 2019-06-04 were reviewed. The results for each standard were as follows. 5.1 WG13 recommends that the following standards be confirmed based on the result from the voting and the discussion at the meeting. a) ISO 5979:1982, Rubber-or plastics-coated fabrics – Determination of flexibility – Flat loop method ( Doc. 45/4 N1556) b) ISO 2231:1989, Rubber-or plastics-coated fabrics – Standard atmospheres for conditionimg and testing ( Doc. 45/4 N1549) c) ISO 6451:1982, Rubber-or plastics-coated fabrics – Polyvinylchloride coatings – Rapid method for checking fusion ( Doc. 45/4 N1554) 5.2 WG13 recommends that the following standard be revised according to the ANNEX G results from the voting and the discussion at the meeting. a) ISO 4646:1989, Rubber-or plastics-coated fabrics – Low temperature impact test ( Doc. 45/4 N1553) The revised document will be submitted to SC4 Manager as CD stage by 2020-3-31.The PL is Mr. Hideaki. Inata, Japan 6. New work, revision or amendment proposals. None 7. Any other business None 8. Requirement for next meeting The meeting agreed for a half day meeting in 2020. 9. Closing of the meeting The convenor closed the meeting with a note of thanks to delegates for their participation and active contributions. Recommendations ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 13 COATED FABRICS, SC 4/ WG 13 RECOMMENDATION 1/2019 ISO/CD 5470-2, Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics -- Determination of abrasion resistance -- Part 2: Martindale abrader ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 13 recommends that ISO/CD 5470-2 be progressed to the DIS stage after incorporation of the agreed changes. The revised draft for DIS enquiry is to be submitted to SC 4 Committee Manager by 2020-02-29. The PL is Mr. Sven Zschoerner ( from Germany. SC 4/ WG 13 RECOMMENDATION 2/2019 ISO/CD 3011, Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics -- Determination of resistance to ozone cracking under static conditions ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 13 recommends that ISO/DIS 3011 be progressed to the DIS stage after incorporation of the agreed changes. The revised draft for DIS enquiry is to be submitted to SC 4 Committee Manager by 2020-02-29. The PL is Mr Hideaki Inata ( from Japan. ANNEX G SC 4/ WG 13 RECOMMENDATION 3/2019 ISO/CD 4674-2, Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics -- Determination of tear resistance -- Part 2: Ballistic pendulum method ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 13 recommends that ISO/CD 4674-2 be progressed to the DIS stage after incorporation of the agreed changes. The revised draft for DIS enquiry is to be submitted to SC 4 Committee Manager by 2020-02-29. The PL is Mr Hideaki Inata ( from Japan. SC 4/ WG 13 RECOMMENDATION 4/2019 ISO/CD 6450, Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics -- Determination of resistance to liquids ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 13 recommends that ISO/CD 6450 be progressed to the DIS stage after incorporation of the agreed changes. The revised draft for DIS enquiry is to be submitted to SC 4 Committee Manager by 2020-02-29. The PL is Mr Hideaki Inata ( from Japan. SC 4/ WG 13 RECOMMENDATION 5/2019 ISO/ CD 6452, Rubber-or plastics-coated fabrics – Determination of fogging characteristics of trim materials in the interior of automobiles ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 13 recommends that ISO/CD 6452 be progressed to the DIS stage after incorporation of the agreed changes. The revised draft for DIS enquiry is to be submitted to SC 4 Committee Manager by 2020-04-30. The PL is Mr. Shigeo Suga ( from Japan and co-PL is Mr. Eiji Kimpara ( SC 4/ WG 13 RECOMMENDATION 6/2019 ISO/DIS 3303-1, Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics ― Determination of bursting strength ― Part 1:Steel ball method ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 13 recommends that ISO/DIS 3303-1 be progressed to the FDIS stage after incorporation of the agreed changes. The revised draft for FDIS enquiry is to be submitted to SC 4 Committee Manager by 2020-03-31. The PL is Mr Hideaki Inata ( from Japan. SC 4/ WG 13 RECOMMENDATION 7/2019 ISO/DIS 3303-2, Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics ― Determination of ANNEX G bursting strength ― Part 2:Hydraulic method ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 13 recommends that ISO/DIS 3303-2 be progressed to the FDIS stage after incorporation of the agreed changes. The revised draft for FDIS enquiry is to be submitted to SC 4 Committee Manager by 2020-03-31. The PL is Mr Hideaki Inata ( from Japan. SC 4/ WG 13 RECOMMENDATION 8/2019 Confirmation of standards ISO/TC 45/SC 4/WG 13 recommends that the following ISO Standard be confirmed following the systematic review of these standards: ISO 5979:1982 (vers 6) Rubber or plastics coated fabrics -- Determination of flexibility -- Flat loop method ISO 2231:1989 (Ed 2, vers 6) Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics -- Standard atmospheres for conditioning and te